Fixed Income


Our Core strategies include Aggregate and Government Credit portfolios. Each of these broadly diversified portfolios focuses on dollar-denominated, high quality, investment grade fixed income securities. Our approach emphasizes non-Treasury sectors that meet our stringent risk/reward parameters. Maturity focus is across the yield curve. To learn more about the process, click here.

Short Duration

Broadly diversified portfolio of dollar-denominated, high quality, investment grade bonds focusing on shorter maturities (1-5 years). Emphasis is on capital preservation in rising interest rate environments. To learn more about the process, click here.


Our Intermediate strategies include Intermediate Aggregate and Intermediate Government Credit portfolios. Each of these broadly diversified portfolios focuses on dollar-denominated, high quality, investment grade fixed income securities in intermediate maturities (1-10 years). Our approach emphasizes non-Treasury sectors that meet our stringent risk/reward parameters. To learn more about the process, click here.

Long Duration

Diversified portfolio of dollar-dominated, high quality, investment grade bonds designed to immunize a long-term liability stream. Various long duration liability targets are available. To learn more about the process, click here.